【Casio】 TUC Compuwriter

The forerunner of office computers at Casio was the TUC (pronounced "Tuck") announced in February 1961.

This was an automatic document generating machine which enabled free programming of spreadsheets in linkage with a relay computer and typewriter. The necessary numerical values were automatically sent to the computer simply by operating the typewriter, and arithmetic was done by the computer. The results were automatically printed in the designated space in a table, and output as a document. This sort of computer was not available anywhere in the world at the time and was a revolutionary development. Various innovations were incorporated to allow the person responsible for clerical work to easily modify programs to suit the document format.

The typewriter was made by Toshiba, and the sold by Toshiba (T), Uchida Yoko (U) and Casio (C), so it was called "TUC". Price was ¥965,000.

TUC Computer