【Hitachi】 HITAC 4010

Hitachi announced the HITAC 4010 in October 1963. It was a large computer that maintained compatibility with the HITAC 3010 and was furnished with functions for real-time online processing. The main memory unit featured a cycle time of 1.5 microseconds per ten characters (one character was 6 + 1 bits) and its capacity was expandable in 20,000 character units from 40,000 characters to 160,000 characters. The system was designed to allow for easy hardware replacements or additions to match changes or expansions in the corresponding business processes; thus, three HITAC 4010 machines or HITAC 3010 machines could be directly coupled to create a multiple-computer system. Sanwa Bank deployed the HITAC 4010 as an online currency exchange system, and other users included NTT Public Corporation.

Hitachi’s HITAC 4010