Marketed in 1985, this was the top-end machine in the TOSWORD Series, with support for "full-sentence kana-kanji conversion capability". With conventional kana-kanji conversion, it was necessary to perform operations like instructing the system to perform conversion by pressing the conversion key for smaller units like phrases. But with full-sentence kana-kanji conversion, word processing could be done automatically with no need whatsoever to press the conversion key during sentence input or demarcate phrases.

In addition to full-sentence kana-kanji automatic conversion, the JW-8DII had features like the following:

-"Word Plan" to enable easy data processing (such as spreadsheet calculation) with a document
-A convenient "Print Image Preview Function" for displaying the print image of a document at 1/4 size to check the balance of the document
-"Multi Window Capability" to enable simultaneous display of multiple documents
-Enhanced graphic features such as hatching and spline curves
-Storage of dictionaries in ROM to improve processing performance