Location | Cyberscience Center Tohoku University 6-3 Aza Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578 Japan |
Visitor information | Open to the public |
Contact | Cyberscience Center Tohoku University Tel.+81-22-795-3407 http://www.cc.tohoku.ac.jp |
Cyberscience Center Tohoku University is a joint use computing facility to do academic research for university researchers in all over Japan and have a latest supercomputer system which is far beyond a laboratory level and core facilities of campus networks. In the first floor, there is a room for the display of parts, units and cabinets of historical computers including the units of a parametron computer jointly developed by Tohoku University and NEC in early computer days. This room was set up to inform people widely about the history of computer technology development.
Major exhibits are as follows: