Location | Basement Floor 1, ISM, 10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-8562 Japan |
Visitor information | Open to the public (Reservation required) |
Contact | Administration Planning and Coordination Section, ISM Tel.+81-50-5533-8580
http://www.ism.ac.jp/ism-tour/ |
This is the display room for the old computers and the related information processing machineries’ used by the Institute of Statistics Mathematics (ISM), Japan.
ISM’s first machine was a mini computer; then it has been introducing mainframe computers, engineering workstations, personal computers and parallel machines. In this room those machines --- sometimes peripheral devices or parts of those --- are stored with detailed citations. Here we can view more than the 50 years of the history of computers for science and technology.
In 1990s there was a rush of venture computer manufacturers which produced types of engineering workstations and parallel computers. Those machines are almost lost, however we can still take a look in this room. Such collections include the Titan computer from Kubota Computer Inc. which should be really rare. Adjoining the display room ISM also stores and operates the most recent super computers. In this sense this total area is a museum of past and future IP machines.
The collection of the physical random number generators (2015 IP heritage) is also exhibited here.