Moriguti Sigeiti was born on September 11, 1916, and graduated from the Department of Aeronautics, the Imperial University of Tokyo in 1938. He earned the degree of Doctor of Engineering in 1954. After he served as Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Full Professor, he retired in 1977 (Professor Emeritus). From 1977 to 1982 he was Professor of the University of Electro-Communications. From 1982 to 1987 he was Professor of Tokyo Denki University.
Moriguti's activities in the information processing field were focused on education and promotion of computer use through programming. He spent two years in the United States as a Garioa Scholarship Fellow studying statistics. During this time, he saw the appearance of electronic computers there, and attended the first computer congress held in the States. When he returned home, he was intensively involved in developing and using punched card machines, and participated in the inversion of 20th degree matrices needed by Leontief's Input Output table conducted by MITI. The Research of Mathematical Sciences sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Culture started in 1956. Moriguti participated in planning and promoting the fourth group headed by Yamauti Ziro. After completion of TAC computer at the University of Tokyo, he administered its operation, instructed the preparation of standard input/output and memory dump routines, and wrote the manual for programming. He himself developed the computations solving the quartz crystal vibration requested by Koga Issac. He also promoted the symbolic input program (SIP) for common use by all the domestic-made electronic computers.
In the 1960s, he deployed both Algol and Fortran because he sensed the breath of Algol in Europe, used IBM 7090 in Fortran when he stayed in New York for one year, and experienced the Burroughs machine with BALGOL at Stanford. The language deployments were furthered by his establishment and administration of the Computer Centre of the University of Tokyo, his operation of UNICON (University Contribution) which aimed shared use of an IBM 7090 by member universities, his joining the information processing education committee in the Ministry of Education and Culture, the initiation of an Algorithm course for the Engineering students, his cooperation with the programming course for the Literal Faculties, and his planning of the Inter-University Computer Centers. His major archives include "Introduction to JIS Fortran".
From the 1970s to the early 1980s, Moriguti was active in televising the "NHK computer course", test program for the University of the Air. In 2000, he published "Excel/Basic orientation".
Moriguti died on October 2, 2002.
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