Page printing telegraph for Japanese and alphanumeric characters : Model 55 TERETAIPU (teletype)

Page printing telegraph for Japanese and alphanumeric characters : Model 55 TERETAIPU (teletype)

Page printing telegraph for Japanese and alphanumeric characters : Model 55 TERETAIPU (teletype)

Manufactured in 1953
Manufactured by Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Owner Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Location of historical materials 1-1 Tachita, Shono, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima, 960-2196, Japan
Visitor information Generally confidential (Consultation available)
Contact OKI Proserve Co., Ltd. Tel.+81-24-594-2251

Use of page printing Telegraph machine for domestic public telegrams began in 1925 (Taisho 14). However, all devices used were imports from the United States, and eventually, with the rise of the trend of imports preventing domestic patronage, replaced by tape printing domestic telegraph machines.

It is said that domestic page printing telegraph was not developed because of technical difficulties. However, in 1953, Oki succeeded to overcome those technical difficulties and developed a purely domestic page printing telegraph machine.  

The machine equipped with features to punch and print received data even in absence of an operator, and was delivered to NTT as "Model A1 Terminal" and, as "Model 55 TERETAIPU (teletype)" to general customers.  

Print speed was 50 Baud (bit/s), 375 characters per minute (about 6 characters per second) using 6 unit (bit) character. 42x3 shift type-bar was used to print 126 characters, including alphanumeric, Chinese numerical, kana, and other symbols. With its printing speed and functionalities as a public communication terminal improved over time, many units were sold to government agencies, banking and securities industries, etc. under the name of Model 55A〜M teletypewriter set.

It was the best-selling machine and manufactured until 1965.